Ikshana Eye Clinic Automatic Auto Refractometer

Fully Automatic Auto Refractometer:

Common vision problems such as myopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness) are the result of refractive error. Autorefractors are used to measure the degree of refractive error in the eye, and are suited well toward applications such as differentiating corneal from lenticular aberrations, and assessing pre-and-post refractive surgery patients.

 The patient focuses their vision on a fixation target such as a hot-air balloon floating over land. Like many ophthalmology instruments, they have spherical and cylindrical measurement ranges of -30 to +25D/±10D respectively. 

Photo LED Slit Lamp:

A specialized medical instrument used in ophthalmology to examine the eye’s anterior segment. It combines the functionality of a slit lamp biomicroscope with integrated LED illumination and photography capabilities.

The slit lamp itself consists of a binocular microscope with adjustable magnification and a slit lamp arm that holds the illumination source and imaging system. The LED illumination provides a bright and focused light beam that can be adjusted in width and height, allowing for detailed examination of the eye’s structures.

Ikshana Eye Clinic Led Slit Lamp
Ikshana Eye Clinic Computerized Lens Meter
Computerized Lensmeter :

Equipped with various features that enhance accuracy and efficiency in measuring lenses. It typically consists of a lens platform where the eyeglasses or contact lenses are placed, and a digital display or screen to provide the measurement results.

Applanation Tonometry :

A commonly used diagnostic procedure in eye hospitals to measure intraocular pressure (IOP). It is an important test for the diagnosis and management of glaucoma, a condition characterized by increased pressure within the eye that can lead to optic nerve damage and vision loss if left untreated.

Ikshana Eye Clinic Applanation Tonometry
Ikshana Eye Clinic Fundoscopy
Indirect & Direct Fundoscopy :

It is a test that look at the back of the eye called the fundus. The fundus consists of the retina, optic disc and blood vessels.

The test is usually included in a routine eye exam. It is also necessary to perform ophthalmoscopy if you have a condition that affects your blood vessels, which can include high blood pressure or diabetes.

Ophthalmoscopy is sometimes called funduscopy or a retinal examination.

Paediatric Retinoscopy :

It is used to find the refractive error in children, developmentally delayed adults, or in those who are unable to cooperate with other ways to check for glasses. It is especially useful in very young children and infants. 

Ikshana Eye Clinic Pediatric Retinoscopy
Ikshana Eye Clinic Fundus Camera
Fundus Camera :

It is used for fundus photography. Fundus photography is useful for diagnosing, educating patients, counseling, monitoring, and forecasting many ophthalmic conditions, notably DR, ARMD, Retinal vascular disorders, ROP, and glaucoma

Computerized Perimetry :

It accurately maps out any missing peripheral vision. The results can be used to detect and monitor for any changes in your peripheral vision. Glaucoma typically produces ‘arcuate’ or rainbow shaped patterns of vision loss in the early stages.

Ikshana Eye Clinic Perimetry
A Scan And Pachymetry:

Corneal thickness as measured by pachymetry is important in the eye care field for several reasons.

Pachymetry can tell healthcare providers if the cornea is swollen. Medical conditions such as Fuch’s Dystrophy can increase fluid in the cornea and cause an increase in overall thickness.Even wearing contact lenses can sometimes cause significant corneal swelling.This may be difficult to see under the microscope. However, pachymetry will show a definite increase in thickness.

Opticals & Pharmacy :

At our Optical Pharmacy Ikshana Eye Clinic Siliguri, we understand the importance of providing high-quality eyewear and vision care products to enhance your visual experience. Whether you need prescription glasses, contact lenses, or specialized eyewear, our knowledgeable staff is here to assist you in finding the perfect solution to meet your unique needs

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